
How To Mix Peppermint Oil For Animal Repellent

Get rid of garden insect pests quickly and effectively with this all natural peppermint oil bug spray. All you need are two uncomplicated ingredients! This is my go-to bug repellent recipe when I desire to avoid harsh chemical pesticides!

collage of photos showing bugs and mint plants; text overlay "Peppermint Bug Repellent for the Garden"

My garden was in full bloom a few weeks ago when I noticed them…tiny green specks on my pea plants. And they were moving. APHIDS!!

Final year's pea crop had no issues, only unfortunately this year the aphids discovered them! And if you've ever dealt with aphids, you lot know that they multiply apace and can chop-chop overwhelm your crops.

Some of the recommendations for getting rid of aphids include spraying them with h2o or smashing them by hand. I tried both of those methods, just the aphids continued to thrive.

That'south when I knew it was time for some of my trusty peppermint oil spray!

Why Do Bugs Detest Peppermint?

Peppermint oil is a gardener's best friend! That'south because most bugs Hate peppermint!

Peppermint has a strong olfactory property that most insects volition avoid. It makes a wonderful natural deterrent if you're looking to avert pesticides.

An interesting fact I learned while researching my peppermint bug spray is that stick bugs use a peppermint odor to repel predators! They're already onto the peppermint repellent trick!

Is Peppermint Oil Safe to Use on Plants?

Y'all'll desire to dilute peppermint oil before you apply to plants. Pure peppermint essential oil is quite strong, then you don't desire to risk damaging plants. It's usually not advised to apply directly to human skin, so it makes sense that you wouldn't want to apply directly to plants either.

Also, diluting helps a little bit of peppermint oil become a long way. Peppermint oil has a strong fragrance, so you actually only need a few drops. Diluting with water allows you to make enough spray to apply to your unabridged garden, or the plants that need help.

As with any pesticide, natural or otherwise, information technology's important to spot exam before applying to the entire plants. Diluted peppermint oil is safe for near plants, simply you ever want to brand sure first.

ingredients to make peppermint oil bug spray

Peppermint Bug Spray Ingredients

Note: Nosotros've included shop-able advertizing links to products we love and utilise; read our disclosure policy hither.

You only need a couple uncomplicated ingredients to make this natural garden pest repellent.

  • Water
  • Peppermint Essential Oil
  • Dish Soap (optional – if needing to terminate an infestation)

Tools Used

  • Glass Spray Bottle

How to Brand Peppermint Oil Bug Spray

I'll prove you lot two unlike recipes and you lot can chose the one that works best for your needs:

If Yous Just Desire to Repel Potential Pests…

Peppermint oil is a great preventative. I apply every month or so (or afterwards a drenching pelting) to continue potential insect pests away from my garden.

For this method, simply fill a spray bottle with water and add x-15 drops of peppermint essential oil. Mix well and spray lightly on plants. (Remember to spot test starting time!)

If Your Plants are Already Infested…

You'll need something a little stronger! For example, my pea plants that were covered in aphids were by the repellent stage. I likewise needed to get rid of the bugs that were already there.

In this example, I added 1 Tablespoon of dish lather to my spray bottle, forth with the h2o and peppermint.

The dish lather penetrates insects' exoskeleton and kills 'em dead. Information technology's a cardinal ingredient in my favorite DIY emmet spray too!

Exist sure to use dishwashing liquid and Non dishwasher detergent, which is completely different formulation. Dishwasher detergent won't help your bug problem and may actually impale your plants instead.

Again, call up to spot test your plants to ensure they don't react negatively to the spray.

What Type of Bottle to Use

When working with essential oils, the all-time option for container is glass. Essential oils can actually deteriorate plastics over time.

glass spray bottle with bug homemade bug repellent for the garden

Peppermint Garden Bug Repellent Recipe

Fourth dimension needed:5 minutes.

Peppermint Oil Bug Spray

  1. To Make a Problems Repellent

    Fill a spray bottle with water. Add together x-15 drops of peppermint essential oil and mix.

  2. To Make Bug Repellent and Killer

    Fill up a spray canteen with h2o. Add 1 TB dish soap and 10-15 drops of peppermint oil.

Does Mint Attract Insects?

While peppermint is generally a problems repellent, there are some types of insects that are actually attracted to the smell of mint and/or mint plants. The really neat affair is that the insects mint attracts are actually beneficial! So nosotros accept a plant oil that gets rid of "bad" bugs and attracts the skilful ones!

Sure types of wasps and flies are attracted to mint. At starting time it would sound similar you wouldn't want those effectually, only here'south why you might…

Wasps are helpful pollinators and having them around can actually increase fruit production. Even meliorate, wasps lay eggs inside of caterpillars (a huge garden pest) and may fifty-fifty eat pest insect eggs!

Merely another reason that I not only make sure to grow mint plants in my garden, but to proceed a bottle of peppermint spray at the ready!

More than Means to Keep Bugs out of the Garden

  • How to Get Rid of Ants in the Garden
  • 9 Natural Pest Repellents for the Garden
  • How to Continue Slugs, Snails, and Caterpillars out of the Garden


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